Service Worship


Service Worship is a specified time on Sunday mornings when we put our faith into action to love the Lord and others through a variety of projects that benefit our community. We believe that we have been a transformational church where others want to learn how we set up serving projects so that they can do it as well. God is being glorified as we become more directly involved with the community, and our discipleship is strengthened as we engage in direct service opportunities. We believe that service and worship together honors God in loving our neighbors as ourselves.

Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer Opportunities

We are always in need of volunteers during Service Worship times. We need leaders for on-site and off-site projects. This involves communicating with your team so that we can have the best possible outcomes. Without the leaders, the projects cannot launch. For onsite projects, we just need help with the implementation and clean-up of the projects. Thank you!

Upcoming Service Worship Dates

Service Worship: Serve Our Schools
July 28, 2024

The sign up for Service Worship: Serve Our Schools is now live! (Click the button above.)

We serve a Missional God Who sent Jesus into the world, and He sends us so that we can share His great love. Please plan on joining us! Questions? Please contact RuthAnn at

Thank you!

Give Online

Giving is an act of worship! Support our church by giving, click the link below to learn more.